
Showing posts from August, 2013

Cool Tools: Distributed Source Control Systems (git + hg)

I assume you're already using version control: svn, cvs, or if you work at microsoft source depot (sd) Summary If you don't know what git/github are, go download and start using it.  If you use hg and bitbucket, sigh, and switch to git/github. What is DCVS? Distributed Version Control Systems (DVCS) are version control systems (VCS) that don't rely on a single central server.  DVCS is designed so multiple people can check in independently while offline and then merge their changes together. In DVCS systems everyone has a copy of the entire version control repository (repo), instead of just having a version of all the files .  Because you have the entire repo, you can check in at will, and when it's time to collaborate you can push your changes into someone elses repo. A common question when VCS people come to DVCS is if you're distributed how do you know the version that should ship? Turns out even though everyone has their own repo, there is still a centr...