Startupville: Staying motivated as a solopreneur
TLDR: When you're disheartened, do something that you can control and succeed at. Succeeding recharges your motivation and lets you take another run at your most important problems. Staying motivated is easy when you're having wins, or executing again a plan you believe will succeed. Unfortunately, there will be long stretches where you won't have wins, and the longer it has been since a win, the farther you will be from believing your plan will succeed. When it's been too long since I've had a win, my motivation will tank, and I'll find you stop doing much of anything. For me to get back on track, I need to start working on things I can control and succeed at. Often that means working on things that are less important then the things that have me disheartened. Except that's a fallacy. See, the thing that's most important when I'm disheartened is finding my mojo. So, when you're disheartened, do something that you can control and su...