Using NUnit to explore static field initialization

Given the following code:

class Constants
    public static readonly Constants Instance = new Constants();
    public static readonly string ApplicationName = "ig2600";
    public readonly string CachedClassName;

    public Constants()
        CachedClassName = GetQualifiedClassName("Constants");

    public static string GetQualifiedClassName(string className)
        return string.Format("{0}::{1}", ApplicationName, className);

Which of the below tests pass?
public class TestConstants
    public class TestConstants
        public void TestOne()
            Assert.That(Constants.Instance.CachedClassName, Is.EqualTo("ig2600::Constants"));

        public void TestTwo()
            Assert.That(Constants.Instance.CachedClassName, Is.EqualTo("::Constants"));

Not sure? Download the code with mercurial from, then fire up VS and NUnit, and look at the StaticFieldMystery project.


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