Powershell script to enable windows to capture localhost traffic in wireshark
If you want to understand why the following scripts work read this post . Otherwise just paste the following into an elevated powershell window: Setup windows networking to allow localhost capturing in wireshark: # Find the network configuration that has the default gateway. $defaultAdapter = Get-WMIObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | ? {$_.DefaultIPGateway} if (@($defaultAdapter).Length -ne 1) {throw "You don't have 1 default gateway, your network configuration is not supported" } # Route local IP address via the default gateway route add $defaultAdapter.IPAddress[0] $defaultAdapter.DefaultIPGateway Write-Host "Start capturing on localhost by connecting to $($defaultAdapter.IPAddress[0])" Return windows networking to normal configuration: # Find the network configuration that has the default gateway. $defaultAdapter = Get-WMIObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | ? {$_.DefaultIPGateway} if (@($defaultAdapter).Length -ne 1) {throw "Y...