Optimaling vs Maximizing

Copied from Seth Godin as I've always tried to articulate this, but was never able to so I'll copy swaths of his post:

I can run a comfortable 6 miles per hour, but I can also run 10 miles an hour at full speed.  But, turns out I can only run 10 miles an hour for 5 minutes, while I can run 6 miles per hour for hours.

Ten miles an hour is maximum speed, but it isn't optimum.

Systems have an optimum level of performance. It's the output that permits the elements (including the humans) to do their best work, to persist at it, to avoid disasters, bad decisions and burnout.

One definition of maximization is: A short-term output level of high stress, where parts degrade but short-term performance is high.

Capitalism sometimes seeks competitive maximization instead. Who cares if you burn out, I'll just replace the part...

That's not a good way to treat people we care about, or systems that we rely on.

As a valuable contributor seeking to build a career, you benefit when you develop a unique asset, because that asset gives you the leverage to choose a niche in a system that respects optimization instead.


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Good Article, thanks for sharing

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Flowace said…
Great insights! Thanks for sharing valuable information on this topic.
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